Mobile App Sponsor
(max. 3 companies)
USD 3,000

The “WCA Events” mobile application is a widely used resource - one that attendees use to schedule One-on-One meetings, view conference photos, and access important event information. Especially with this year’s PAPERLESS theme the app is a must use tool for all attendees.

Don’t forget that the app will open before the conference starts so your branding will gain maximum exposure prior to the event.


  • Banner with link to sponsor’s website
  • Send a daily message to all delegates via the app
  • Sponsor’s logo in WCA Events App webpage and announcement to all delegates
  • Sponsor’s logo in WCA Events App signage throughout the conference.
  • ONE complimentary delegate registration
  • ONE full page color advertisement in the Conference Directory (downloadable PDF file format)

(sample only)

Charging Station Sponsor
(max. 1 company)
USD 3,900

Delegates rely heavily on their phones for communication, networking, and accessing conference-related information. Many will require the use of a phone charger while they are at the conference venue. By sponsoring a charging station, you are providing other delegates with a useful service for which they’ll be thankful.


  • ONE complimentary delegate registration
  • ONE fixed meeting table with sponsor’s logo on a table-top sign
  • ONE full page color advertisement in the Conference Directory (downloadable PDF file format)
  • Logo on the conference website with link to sponsors’ corporate website
  • ONE charging station featuring your company logo and short VDO played on a loop (this feature depends on charger models available in Cartagena)

Wi-Fi Sponsor
(max. 1 company)
USD 4,000

The majority of delegates attending this conference are from outside Colombia and will not have access to roaming internet so will be logging onto the venue’s Wi-Fi internet for the duration of the event.

  • ONE complimentary delegate registration
  • ONE fixed meeting table with sponsor’s logo on a table-top sign
  • ONE full page color advertisement in the Conference Directory (downloadable PDF file format)
  • Logo on the conference website with link to sponsors’ corporate website
  • Your company’s name will be used in the username and password required to logon to the venue’s internet.

Backpack Sponsor
(max. 1 company)
USD 4,150

Equip conference attendees with essential gear by sponsoring our backpacks! Your brand's logo will be prominently displayed on each backpack, offering widespread exposure among conference goers. Showcase your support for professional development while enhancing your brand's visibility.


  • ONE complimentary delegate registration
  • ONE fixed meeting table with sponsor’s logo on a table-top sign
  • ONE full page color advertisement in the Conference Directory (downloadable PDF file format)
  • Logo on the conference website with link to sponsors’ corporate website
  • Backpacks with your company’s logo featured will be handed out to each delegate during the onsite registration.
Coffee Break Sponsor
(max. 1 company)
USD 4,500

There are six 30-minute coffee breaks scheduled for the duration of this event. Members can also drop by for refreshments at any time during their one-on-one meetings. Coffee break stations are a gathering point for members to refresh themselves and engage in formal and non-formal conversation with other delegates.  We will be substituting the hotel’s coffee cups with environmentally friendly paper cups featuring your company’s logo and placing banners around the coffee break stations to let everyone know who is sponsoring the coffee breaks.


  • ONE complimentary delegate registration
  • ONE fixed meeting table with sponsor’s logo on a table-top sign
  • ONE full page color advertisement in the Conference Directory (downloadable PDF file format)
  • Sponsor’s logo on paper cups used at all coffee break stations
  • Logo on the conference website with link to sponsors’ corporate website

A hand holding a coffee cup  Description automatically generated with medium confidence

Lanyard Sponsor
(max. 1 company)
USD 4,500

Name badges are compulsory for all meetings and functions and must be worn at all times. Having your company’s logo imprinted onto the conference lanyards is a very good way to promote your company. This is one of the most popular sponsorship items.


  • ONE complimentary delegate registration
  • ONE fixed meeting table with sponsor’s logo on a table-top sign
  • ONE full page color advertisement in the Conference Directory (downloadable PDF file format)
  • Logo on the conference website with link to sponsors’ corporate website
  • ONE lanyard featuring your company’s logo will be handed out to all delegates during the onsite registration

Lunch Sponsor
(max. 1 company)
USD 6,000

There are three buffet style lunches scheduled for this event and all delegates will be required to get their own food from buffet lines that will feature signage with your company’s logo prominently displayed. This sponsorship has become one of the most popular sponsor items at our events.


  • ONE complimentary delegate registration
  • ONE fixed meeting table with sponsor’s logo on a table-top sign
  • ONE full page color advertisement in the Conference Directory (downloadable PDF file format)
  • Sponsor’s logo on signages around the dining hall and buffet lines
  • Logo on the conference website with link to sponsors’ corporate website

Greek Party Sponsor
(max. 1 company)
USD 6,500

Immerse yourself in Greek culture at GAA’s Annual Conference! Sponsoring your company and brand will be part of an unforgettable celebration where attendees engage in the ancient tradition of the Flower War, symbolizing unity, and joy. Delight in the sounds of live Greek music, adding an authentic touch to the festivities.

  • ONE complimentary delegate registration
  • ONE fixed meeting table with sponsor’s logo on a table-top sign
  • ONE full page color advertisement in the Conference Directory (downloadable PDF file format)
  • Backdrop displayed behind live Greek band
  • Logo on the conference website with link to sponsors’ corporate website
Cocktail Reception Sponsor
(max. 1 company)
USD 7,000

The welcome cocktail reception kicks off the main segment of this event and will be the first function where almost all delegates are in attendance together for the first time. The cocktail reception will be held at the hotel and there are plenty of branding options including backdrops, LED screens, and other areas such as drinks coasters that are placed on all the cocktail tables where delegates place their drinks and mingle with others.


  • ONE complimentary delegate registration
  • ONE fixed meeting table with sponsor’s logo on a table-top sign
  • ONE full page color advertisement in the Conference Directory (downloadable PDF file format)
  • Logo on the conference website with link to sponsors’ corporate website
  • Pre-Conference marketing broadcast via member broadcast and social media channels
  • Drinks coasters at all cocktail tables to feature sponsor’s logo
  • Sponsors logo on the function backdrop and other signages
  • Note that it is recommended that you buy this sponsorship in conjunction with the one below (Signature Drink Sponsor)

Team Building Sponsor
(max. 1 company)
USD 7,000

Team building has become a popular way to get groups of people familiarized with each other and working as a team to develop mutual benefits. Team building sponsorship also allows opportunities to get your branding out to all delegates and is open to ALL conference attendees at no additional charge, so you can expect a lot of people to be there!


  • TWO complimentary delegate registration
  • TWO fixed meeting table with sponsor’s logo on a table-top sign
  • ONE full page color advertisement in the Conference Directory (downloadable PDF file format)
  • Logo on the conference website with link to sponsors’ corporate website
  • Your company logo will be provided on clothing or other materials required for team building activities

Dinner Sponsor
(max. 1 company)
USD 7,500

As a dinner sponsor, your company will be given the most prominence during the dinner function. Your logo will appear in various forms of branding depending on the type of venue selected for the dinner (ie. branding could be via backdrops, LED screens, and whatever else is available at the selected venue). Additional branding is also provided in the form of table menus, advertising in the conference directory, and other forms. You will also have dining tables assigned to your company for which you can invite your own guests to seat at during te gala dinner function./p>


  • TWO complimentary delegate registration
  • TWO fixed meeting table with sponsor’s logo on a table-top sign
  • ONE full page color advertisement in the Conference Directory (downloadable PDF file format)
  • ONE dining tables (10 seats per table) reserved for sponsor to invite own guests during the dinner (note that this condition is subject to change depending on the type of setup available at the selected dinner venue)
  • Logo on the conference website with link to sponsors’ corporate website
  • Pre-Conference marketing broadcast via member broadcast and social media channels
  • Menu cards printed with sponsor’s logo at all dining tables
  • Sponsor’s logo on the function backdrop and other signages

Casino Night Sponsor
(max. 1 company)
USD 12,500

Sponsoring our casino night themed party offers prime brand exposure to other members, boosting visibility and association with luxury. Your logo featured prominently at the event and in promotions ensures widespread recognition, while supporting a memorable experience for attendees. Don't miss this opportunity to elevate your brand's presence and connect with other members.


  • TWO complimentary delegate registration
  • TWO fixed meeting table with sponsor’s logo on a table-top sign
  • ONE full page color advertisement in the Conference Directory (downloadable PDF file format)
  • Logo on the conference website with link to sponsors’ corporate website
  • Custom branded playing cards given in all welcome packs and casino chips!
Company Logo Specs
Conference Directory Advertisement Specs


Friday, 23 August 2024 at 17:00 hrs Bangkok Time (GMT+7) Sponsor Reservation
Friday, 23 August 2024 at 17:00 hrs Bangkok Time (GMT+7)
  • Company Logo
  • Conference Directory Advertising graphics
  • Immediately after receiving invoice Payment


    Friday, 23 August 2024 at 17:00 hrs Bangkok Time (GMT+7)
    50% refund
    Friday, 23 August 2024 at 17:00 hrs Bangkok Time (GMT+7)
    No Refund


    • All conference fees including Sponsorship packages must be paid immediately upon receiving our invoice in order to guarantee your sponsor package.
    • Your logo will not be featured on the conference website until payment is received. Please send proof of payment to merchandise@globalaffinityalliance.com so that we can have your company logo posted on the conference website as soon as possible.
    • An invoice will be sent to you shortly after reserving your sponsor package through this website. However, you can also use the Order Confirmation to make payment while waiting for an official invoice to be sent.
    • Payment by Bank Transfer, Credit Card, or Partner Pay is accepted.

    Please contact merchandise@globalaffinityalliance.com for more information